Biz Kid$
What is Biz Kid$?
Biz Kid$ is a credit union funded and branded financial education program for young adults championed by the Foundation. Biz Kid$
ignites the next generation to care about their financial future through lessons in entrepreneurship, money, managing finances, and more.
The initiative includes an Emmy award-winning television series, free classroom curriculum, outreach activities, and a website targeting kids, ages 9-16 years old. It is the first national public television series promoting financial education for elementary through high school students and was created by the same team that produced “Bill Nye the Science Guy”.
Biz Kid$ Entrepreneurship
Many young adults and children dream of starting their own business, but most don’t know where to start. Biz Kid$ helps students become young entrepreneurs, from brainstorming new ideas, to marketing a product, selling to customers, and making a profit. Using Biz Kid$ resources, students can learn how to come up with a unique idea, write a business plan, and grow their business using knowledge of business structures, marketing, and negotiation. Teach your students how to write their own business plan and create a successful business. Business plan for kids
Biz Kid$ episodes fall under a variety of content themes such as financial planning, careers, and entrepreneurship
See full listing of themes & accompanying episodes
Episode descriptions