Welcome to the 2022 third quarter RMJ Foundation Newsletter

Bite of Reality
Year to date, we have had 314 events reaching more than 31,500 students! The return of in-person Bite of Reality events has taken off across California and Nevada, as well as across the country.
If you’re interested in learning more about our program, please reach out to Jenn Lucas at [email protected]
Year to date, we have had 314 events reaching more than 31,500 students! The return of in-person Bite of Reality events has taken off across California and Nevada, as well as across the country.
If you’re interested in learning more about our program, please reach out to Jenn Lucas at [email protected]

Financial Counselor Academy
The RMJ Foundation and The California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues are partnering to launch our Financial Counselor Academy. Designed to greatly enhance the self-study Financial Counseling Certification Program
(FiCEP) offered by the Credit Union National Association, this 13-week program includes weekly tutorial and study guide webinars that reinforce the book learning, as well as several interactive live/virtual workshops that bring the topics to life. This program is geared for any credit union staff who wish to assist their members in their financial wellness journey. Participants will also learn how to develop a financial counseling program at their credit union, participate in roleplaying exercises, and uncover opportunities beyond counseling.
The program will start on Jan. 25, 2023, and conclude with an in-person session held in Southern California on Apr. 26, 2023. Upon completing the program and passing the test, participants will receive the Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor (CCUFC) designation, in addition to having the tools to create a meaningful financial counseling program. Click here to register now.
We will be hosting an informational session on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 11 a.m. for those interested in learning more about the program. You can join by clicking here.
RMJ Out and about

DE Training
In September, Tena attended the Development Education Training in Madison, Wisconsin. The Development Education (DE) program helps established and emerging leaders within the credit union movement understand and leverage credit unions’ unique business model to serve members and communities in new and better ways. Development Education is a process to understand fundamental barriers that prevent the prosperity of people and communities across the globe. This aligns with the mission of credit unions and our shared cooperative principles, and it has helped credit unions to discover new and better ways of improving financial well-being. Tena is looking forward to connecting with other California and Nevada DEs to harness the power of so many DEs and the great work that can be done in ensuring Financial Well-Being For All.
FBLA Leadership Development Institute
We were invited to be judges at a practice competition for Future Business Leaders of America’s (FBLA) Leadership Development Institute, where high school students had the opportunity to practice for mock speaking ad roleplay events. Tena was able to spend a Saturday judging small group presentations, and was impressed with the poise and promise of the participating high school students.
During the first week of November RMJ will attend the California and Nevada REACH Conference in Palm Desert. We will be hosting our annual RMJ Donor Appreciation Gala presented by PSCU on November 1st at the Palm Springs Air Museum. This event is to thank all our donors that support RMJ in 2022.
We will also be collaborating with credit union folks to host a Bite of Reality® with a local high school on Tuesday, Nov. 2 from 9-10:30am. If you are attending REACH and have not experienced a Bite of Reality event, please join us, and observe the students trying to manage a monthly budget while experiencing unforeseen challenges.
In September, Tena attended the Development Education Training in Madison, Wisconsin. The Development Education (DE) program helps established and emerging leaders within the credit union movement understand and leverage credit unions’ unique business model to serve members and communities in new and better ways. Development Education is a process to understand fundamental barriers that prevent the prosperity of people and communities across the globe. This aligns with the mission of credit unions and our shared cooperative principles, and it has helped credit unions to discover new and better ways of improving financial well-being. Tena is looking forward to connecting with other California and Nevada DEs to harness the power of so many DEs and the great work that can be done in ensuring Financial Well-Being For All.
FBLA Leadership Development Institute
We were invited to be judges at a practice competition for Future Business Leaders of America’s (FBLA) Leadership Development Institute, where high school students had the opportunity to practice for mock speaking ad roleplay events. Tena was able to spend a Saturday judging small group presentations, and was impressed with the poise and promise of the participating high school students.
During the first week of November RMJ will attend the California and Nevada REACH Conference in Palm Desert. We will be hosting our annual RMJ Donor Appreciation Gala presented by PSCU on November 1st at the Palm Springs Air Museum. This event is to thank all our donors that support RMJ in 2022.
We will also be collaborating with credit union folks to host a Bite of Reality® with a local high school on Tuesday, Nov. 2 from 9-10:30am. If you are attending REACH and have not experienced a Bite of Reality event, please join us, and observe the students trying to manage a monthly budget while experiencing unforeseen challenges.

RMJ/Origence Golf Classic
Mark your calendar now for Monday, August 14, 2023, for our annual golf tournament. We will once again be in beautiful Dana Point at Monarch Beach Golf Links. Registration will be open in early January.
Along with the RMJ Donor Appreciation Gala, and Bite of Reality, we will also be having our annual Silent Auction at REACH. Supporting sponsors will display their donated items in the Exhibit Hall for REACH attendees to bid on. The proceeds benefit RMJ and help to support financial education. Thank you to our sponsors: